91% Indian Students Still Up For Studying Abroad, Reveals Study

91% Indian Students Still Up For Studying Abroad, Reveals Study

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of Indian students are still interested in studying abroad.

According to a study by Edu-tech platform Leverage Edu, 91 per cent of the students registered on their portal who had earlier planned to study abroad would still continue to take up the option seeing the safety measures being put in place.

With the universities abroad taking strict measures like sanitising the campuses, 24×7 COVID-19 helpline numbers, among other health measures, there will be no severe impact on the number of Indian students going aborad for higher education.

Besides, education institutions are taking online classes during the lockdown period and even providing pre-sessional English courses for students who need to show a proof of English proficiency to qualify for the desired university.

“Upon learning about such measures, overall 91% were convinced about reverting to their original plan of studying abroad in the next 6 to 10 months,” Leverage Edu CEO, Akshay Chaturvedi was quoted by India Today as saying.

Here are some other highlights of the study: More than 70 per cent of the students prefer countries like Canada and the UK when it comes to healthcare system. The UK is also the most preferred country for higher education for Indian students.

COVID-19 pandemicforeign universities lockdown measuresStudy abroaduniversities abroad