Handy Tips For Clearing Engineering & Medical Entrance Examinations At First Attempt

Cuttack: Students aspiring to get seats in prestigious engineering or medical colleges look to clear JEE or NEET exams at the first attempt. However, with competition getting stiffer every passing year, many find the entrance exams daunting.

Here are some tips to prepare effectively for the exams:

1. Students should prepare a well-organized timetable and devote at least five to six hours for studies, with some breaks in between.

2. It is necessary to be thorough with the entire syllabus, and testing oneself frequently through mock tests helps improve speed, accuracy and clear doubts, if any.

3. Students should avoid tackling very complex problems at the beginning, and rather focus on first strengthening areas they are confident in, for efficient use of preparatory time.

4. It is advisable not to refer to too many books for a single subject or spend too much time on a single topic, to ensure timely completion of syllabus with enough time for revision and doubt clearing.

5. By taking frequent mock tests, students should try to identify their areas of weakness and common mistakes. It’s also vital to solve papers within a fixed time, like in real exams

6. Students should make notes to quickly memorize different formulae and methods of calculation for quick reference.

7. It is equally important to get adequate rest and sleep, and maintain a healthy diet. Distractions in the form of social media should be avoided during this time.
