Universities Offering SWAYAM Courses Now Can Conduct Exams, Check The Details

The decision will help increase the number of students pursuing courses on SWAYAM platform for credit accumulation

HYDERABAD: Universities offering SWAYAM (Study Webs of Active-learning for Young Aspiring Minds) courses will now conduct examinations for the aspirants enrolled in these courses.

SWAYAM is an online platform created by the Government of India to provide free courses from top universities to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Students who have completed courses on SWAYAM platform will now have the option of writing SWAYAM examination at their own university.

Universities will conduct these examinations during the current semester and the end-term examinations.

The SWAYAM Board has allowed the universities to conduct examinations for the courses offered on the SWAYAM platform to encourage more students to earn course credits. It will also provide re-attempt opportunities to the students.

“Universities that have adopted SWAYAM courses for credit transfer as per the UGC (Credit Framework for Online Learning Courses through Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds) Regulations, 2021 can conduct the exams and request UGC to issue necessary framework in this matter,” as per a notification issued by the University Grants Commission (UGC).

“To encourage more students to earn credits through SWAYAM courses and provide re-attempt opportunities to students, it has been decided in the 24th SWAYAM Board meeting held on March 5, 2024, that universities who have adopted UGC SWAYAM Regulations 2021 will be permitted to conduct examinations of the SWAYAM courses for their students who enrolled and completed courses from the SWAYAM platform,” read the official notification.

For the full notification, Click here

The decision will help to increase the number of students taking SWAYAM courses for credit accumulation and enhance the students’ flexibility in regard to the SWAYAM examination.

At present, the end-term proctored examinations for SWAYAM courses are conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) and National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL). The exams are conducted at the designated centres of these organisations across the country.

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