Schools In Green & Orange Zones To Reopen First In July, Students Of Class I-VII To Study From Home

Schools In Green & Orange Zones To Reopen First In July, Students Of Class I-VII To Study From Home

New Delhi: The schools in the country are likely to re-open in July in a zone-wise manner. While the schools in Green and Orange zones will be considered in the first phase, students of Class I-VII will be allowed to study from home amid safety concerns until the situation improves, as per reports.

The government is planning to allow 30 per cent strength in each class to ensure social distancing. Therefore, it is likely that the classes will be held in two shifts, HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ indicated in the online webinar with teachers on May 14.

Meanwhile, NCERT is preparing guidelines to re-open schools in the country.

The reports further said that teachers would be given COVID-19 training so that health discipline can be ensured in the schools. Besides, the schools could do away with morning assemblies as a precautionary measure against coronavirus.

Moreover, face masks will be made compulsory for everyone, and to ensure social distancing only two students will be allowed to sit on three-seaters. Also, thermal scanners and CCTVs will be installed in schools.

The guidelines will also depend on the situation prevailing in the area where the school is located, the reports added.

Also Read: Maharashtra Govt To Reopen Schools In Phases From June 15

NCERTschool reopen dateSchoolsschools reopenschools reopen in Julyschools to reopen zones-wise