8,154 Students Get First Batch Admission In IIT Madras; Know More

8,154 Students Get First Batch Admission In IIT Madras; Know More

Chennai: The Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) has admitted as many as 8,154 students in the first batch of its first online BSc Degree in Programming and Data Science.

According to a press release issued by the institute, the selected students can get enrolled for the foundational level courses to be offered from January 2021. Among 8,154 students, 1,922 are female candidates and 6,232 are male.

A total of 1,593 students are from Arts, Science and Commerce backgrounds while 3,450 students have an engineering background.

The IIT-Madras has started the second qualifier process, in which students can apply online by filling up the application forms available at https://www.onlinedegree.iitm.ac.in along with requisite documents and Rs 3,000 registration fee. The last date to apply is February 6, 2021.

“The courses are delivered through a state-of-the-art online portal. Students are given the opportunity to participate in live sessions to clarify their doubts. The exams are conducted in-person so that the academic rigor of the program is maintained,” IIT Madras director Bhaskar Ramamurthi was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times.

Explaining more about the course, IIT Madras online degree programme’s professor in-charge, Andrew Thangaraj said, “There are three different stages in this program – Foundation, Diploma and Degree. Students can choose their own pace while registering for courses and, upon completion, receive a Certificate, Diploma or a Degree at various exit points from IIT Madras.”

8154 StudentsadmissionFirst BatchIIT-Madras