Additional Round Of Counselling For JEECUP 2020; Know Details Here

Additional Round Of Counselling For JEECUP 2020; Know Details Here

New Delhi: An additional round of counselling will be held by the Joint Entrance Examination Council Uttar Pradesh (JEECUP) in accordance with directives of All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) to complete the admission process to diploma programmes by December 5.

Those candidates who did not appear for JEECUP 2020 or were not allotted seats up to ninth round will be given direct admission in this round.

The last date of online registration for non-UPJEE candidates is November 30, while for those who appeared in the state entrance exam the deadline is December 3. Seat allotment result of the additional round will be announced on December 4.

Steps to register for UPJEE Round 10 counselling:

1) Visit the official website and click on ‘JEECUP Direct Admission Registration Round-10’.

2) Click on ‘Fresh Candidate Registration’, read the instructions and click on ‘I Agree.’

3) Fill and submit the registration form.

additional roundcounsellingJEECUP 2020Uttar Pradesh