AIIMS Announces INI-CET 2021 Application Status; Know How To Check

AIIMS Announces INI-CET 2021 Application Status; Know How To Check

New Delhi: The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has announced the application status of the Institute of National Importance Combined Entrance Test 2021 (INI CET 2021) at

The students can check their application forms and make required alterations. The deadline to send the corrected INI-CET application form is April 23.

The entrance exam will be held on May 8.

Steps to rectify INI-CET application forms:

Go to the official website and complete the INI-CET registration

Generate unique code option and exam unique code

Upload required details like education qualifications and other documents

Pay INI-CET application fee

Choose exam centre and take a printout of the form

ALSO READ: INI-CET 2021: AIIMS Announces On-Spot Admissions List

AIIMSApplication StatusCombined Entrance TestINI CET 2021