Analytics, AI, Automation, IT-Architecture In Great Demand Today: Infosys

Analytics, AI, Automation, IT-Architecture In Great Demand Today: Infosys

If you are an IT professional and want to stay ahead of the rest, here are some of the skill domains which could help maintain your edge.

IT firm Infosys in a report released on Thursday said analytics, automation, IT architecture and artificial intelligence are the most sought after teachnical skills today.

The company’s research arm Infosys Knowledge Institute, in its report said that soft skills have become equally important as technical ones. Teamwork, leadership and effective communication are an added advantage for any employer and employee, it added.

“There is not just a talent war — its a famine. To succeed, companies must hire, develop and retain talent better than their competition. As enterprises progress and in their digital journey, the winners will be those who utilise multiple hiring source and reskill workers in a culture of lifelong learning –invest in their people,” chief operating officer of Infosys Pravin Rao said.

Infosys has identified four approaches that can help companies prepare themselves to address the talent needs of today and prepare for the future. They are…

1. Reskill and redeploy in-house talent
2. Engage temporary workers and gig economy strategically
3.Align organisational structure to evolve business needs
4.Cast a wider net for new hires
