Apply For 144 Teaching Staff Vacancies At Eklavya Model Residential Schools In Odisha; Details Here

Apply For 144 Teaching Staff Vacancies At Eklavya Model Residential Schools In Odisha; Details Here

New Delhi: There are 3,479 teaching staff vacancies in Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS) in 17 states, including Odisha, to be filled up by the National Education Society for Tribal Students, an autonomous body of Ministry of Tribal Affairs.

The application process will open on April 1.

The vacancies are for four posts — Principal, Vice-Principal, Post Graduate Teacher (PGTs) and Trained Graduate Teacher (TGTs). Recruitment will be through a centralised computer-based test, followed by interviews (excluding TGTs) to be conducted by the respective states.

In Odisha, there are 144 vacancies at EMRS, comprising 15 posts of Principal, 11 Vice-Principals, 12 PGTs and 106 TGTs.

Candidates are advised to visit recruitment. and for details of application process and all the dates.

The website for receiving applications will be open from April 1 to 30, 2021. The exam is likely to be held in the first week of June.

Eklavya Model Residential SchoolsOdishaTeaching Staffvacancies