APPSC Releases Initial Answer Key For Group 2 Mains Exam

Candidates can check answer key on the official website; objection window will remain open from February 25 to 27.
APPSC Releases Initial Answer Key For Group 2 Mains Exam

HYDERABAD: The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has released initial answer keys for the Group II services mains examination held on February 23.

Candidates who have appeared for the examination can check APPSC group 2 mains answer keys from the official website,

For the direct link to initial answer key of APPSC Group II Mains Examination Paper 1, click here.

For the direct link to initial answer key of APPSC Group II Mains Examination Paper 2, click here.

The exam was held in two shifts —from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.

In total, 92,250 candidates registered for the examination, of whom 86,459 downloaded hall tickets. Of them, 79,599 appeared for the morning shift and 79,451 appeared for the afternoon shift.

The overall attendance in the APPSC group 2 mains examination was 92%, the APPSC said in a statement.

In a separate web note for the answer key, the APPSC said if candidates who want to file objections on any questions or key can file it through the link given on the official website.

To see the detailed web note, click here.

The objection window will remain open from February 25 to February 27.

Objections to both papers must be submitted online. Objections submitted through post, WhatsApp, SMS, phone, individual submissions or any other mode will not be considered, the APPSC said.

It added that objections received after the last date will not be considered.

Fake notification

Ahead of the group 2 mains exam, the APPSC cautioned candidates against a fake notice circulating on social media claiming the exam was postponed.

“It is learnt that a fake Web Note is circulating in social media saying that Main Examination for Group-II Services (Notification. No. 11/2023), scheduled on 23/02/2025 FN & AN is postponed. This information is false and police compliant for criminal prosecution is being given in this regard,” APPSC said.

APPSCAPPSC Group IIAPPSC Group II Main ExamAPPSC Group II Main Exam answer key