CBSE To Host Training Program For Teachers On Alternative Academic Calendar

CBSE To Host Training Program For Teachers On Alternative Academic Calendar

New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) will organise a training program on ‘Alternative Academic Calendar’ for school teachers and principals on July 17.

CBSE Chairman Manoj Ahuja and NCERT Director Dr Hrushikesh Senapaty will address the program that will be hosted on Google Meet at 3 pm.

It will also be telecast on the web through CBSE’s social media platforms, links of which will be circulated through CBSE CoEs and e -Sandesh, Times Now News reported.

According to a CBSE notification, the school principals affiliated to the Board are required to participate in the program. They can login to the meeting via email id available on the 

NCERT had released the ‘Alternative Academic Calendar’ in April and then revised it on July 7. The revised calendar was released with reduced topics after the Board’s decision to reduce the syllabus by 30 per cent this year for Classes IX to XII.

The step was taken due to the schools’ inability to impart education physically as a result of the lockdown due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Also Read: CBSE To Roll Out Results Via DigiLocker App, Asks Students To Download It


alternative academic calendarCBSECBSE training program