CBSE XII Board Exams: Odisha’s SAI International School Students Emerge State Toppers Exams

CBSE XII Board Exams: Odisha’s SAI International School Students Emerge State Toppers Exams

Bhubaneswar: Students of SAI International School have performed brilliantly in the CBSE All India Senior School Certificate Examination (AISSCE), 2023 & All India Secondary School Examinations (AISSE) 2023, the result of which was declared on Friday.

All the students secured more than 60%, while 93% of students secured more than 75% of marks, ~45% of students secured more than 90% and ~20% secured more than 95%.

Girls swept the top positions in CBSE Class XII Board Exams 2023 with Pratistha Pal as the overall state topper with 99.6% in the Science streamDivyaa Majhi and Adarsh Agarwall topped the school’s Humanities and Commerce streams with 98% and 97.2% respectively.

This year, the overall school average for SAI International School is 88.3%, with the school average in Science being 88.02%, Commerce 87.8% and Humanities 89.16%.

In the CBSE Class X Board Exam 2023, 100% of students scored above 60%, 91% above 75%, ~50% of students scored above 90% and ~20% above 95%, taking the overall school average to 89%.