CS June Session Exam As Per Schedule, Says ICSI

CS June Session Exam As Per Schedule, Says ICSI

New Delhi: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) will hold the June session exam according to the schedule announced earlier.

However, it has also been announced that in case of adverse or exceptional situations, necessary decisions will be made in the best interest of the students regarding the ICSI CS exams.

The institute, via a statement issued, said it is keeping a close vigil on the difficult situation being faced due to the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in India.

“Institute strides to fulfil its responsibility towards students, members and other stakeholders and to take all necessary steps despite all odds. It is hereby informed to all concerned that the Company Secretaries Examinations, June-2021 will be held as per the schedule announced. However, in case of an adverse/ exceptional situation, a necessary decision in the best interest of the students will be taken,” the statement from ICSI read.

ICSE will hold the examination adhering to all the advisories and directives issued by the authorities on COVID-19. The institution has directed the students to appear for the ICSI CS exams to keep patience and carry on with the exam preparation.

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CSExamsICSIInstitute of Company Secretaries of IndiaJune Session Exam