Decision On Reopening Of Schools In Odisha Will Be Taken In October Last Week: Minister

Decision On Reopening Of Schools In Odisha Will Be Taken In October Last Week: Minister

Bhubaneswar: The state government will take a decision on reopening the schools in the last week of October, said School and Mass Education minister Samir Ranjan Dash on Tuesday.

Briefing the media, Dash said the government will take a call on the matter considering the COVID-19 situation after Dussera vacation.

“The Chief Minister has directed the closure of schools till the Durga Puja. As the Puja falls on October 26, the schools will remain closed in October. The government will decide whether the schools will be reopened in November only after taking stock of the COVID-19 situation in October,” the minister said.

Stating that the reopening of the schools is absolutely necessary, he said the health safety of the students has to be given utmost priority in the prevalent pandemic situation.

OctoberOdishaschool reopening