Delhi University Forms Committee For Smooth Implementation Of NEP 2020

New Delhi: The University of Delhi has constituted a NEP Implementation Committee (NIC) for a smoother execution of the National Education Policy 2020 (NEP 2020). The committee has been formed to suggest how best the NEP 2020 can be implemented in Delhi University.

Following are the objectives for which NIC has been formulated:

1. The committee will suggest the administrative and financial implications in the implementation of the NEP.

2. The committee will suggest the changes which will have to be initiated in the existing syllabus and suggested a timeline for the adoption of such changes due to the implementation of NEP.

3. The committee will also suggest the most appropriate mechanism for incorporating and formalising implied activities.

4. The committee will assess the changes required due to the adoption of NEP in the system of examinations and student intake across regular as well as Open Learning and non-collegiate.

5. The committee will also suggest ways to engage with the stakeholders.

The union government on July 29 approved the NEP 2020 which replaced the earlier version of the act. The policy aims at making higher education in India a world-class experience.

National Education Policy 2020NEPNEP implementation CommitteeNIC