DU Teachers Reject University’s Letter Seeking Online Classes Details

DU Teachers Reject University’s Letter Seeking Online Classes Details

New Delhi: The Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA) has asked the teachers to not give their feedback on the varsity’s letter seeking details of online classes being conducted during the lockdown period.

The important reason cited by DUTA is that the feedback could be manipulated by the university to conduct online examinations, which the teachers are opposing.

Adhering to the guidelines by the HRD Ministry to all the central universities seeking details on the number of classes being conducted online, the assistant registrar of DU on Monday sent an email to the colleges seeking the list of courses for which online classes are being held with the help of Google Classroom, Google Hangouts, Google Meet or Zoom.

However, the purpose of seeking the information was not mentioned in the email.

“We wish to point out that the format sent out to colleges reveals extreme short-sightedness as there is no attempt whatsoever to find out how students and teachers are coping with the abrupt closure of the university due to the pandemic and subsequent lockdown announced by the Government,” DUTA President, Rajib Ray was quoted by the Indian Express as saying.

Besides this, the questions in the form also gave no clarity on the preparedness for exams and issues being faced by the students, the DUTA said.

DU TeachersDU Teachers refuse feedbackDUTAHRD Ministry