Goa Schools To Try Odd-Even Formula To Conduct Classes

Goa Schools To Try Odd-Even Formula To Conduct Classes

Panaji: Schools in Goa are reopening on November 21 for Class X and XII students. However, there will be a list of standard operating procedures (SOP) that need to be followed strictly.

A ceiling of 12 students in a standard-sized classroom, regular deep cleaning of common spaces, no crowding and even the liberty to schools to test an odd-even formula for conducting classes, are some of the SOPs devised by Goa government for the schools.

According to news agency IANS, the SOPs which were formally issued late on Tuesday also mandate a ban on visitors to school premises. Maintaining a six-foot distance between students in classrooms and sensitisation to COVID-19 precautions are also included in the SOPs. The students have been urged not to share their tiffins and drinking water, as well as personal articles like books, compass boxes, etc.

“In a class there should not be more than 12 students. In case, the size of a classroom is small, classes may be held in rooms having a larger area such as a computer room, library, laboratory, with a physical distance of six feet between the students,” the SOPs stated.

“Odd-even formula for classes can also be considered. Running schools into shifts in case of high enrolment schools can also be considered by reducing the time duration of school-hours per shift, such that the school is able to manage with the same set of teachers in overall school hours,” according to the state’s health protocol.
