HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Clarifies on Syllabus Reduction; Read what he says

HRD Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Clarifies on Syllabus Reduction; Read what he says

Soon after declaring the topics that would not make it to the examination list, jokes, memes and debates started online. The exclusion of certain topics like ‘Citizenship’ and ‘Secularism ‘ for class XI Political Science syllabus didn’t go down well with the netizens.

HRD minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank said that it is “sensationalism by connecting topics selectively to portray a false narrative” according to The Indian Express. He further added that there are several topics in different subjects like ‘Balance of Payment Deficit’, ‘Heat Transfer’, ‘Heat Engine and Refrigerator’ are among those that have been excluded from the syllabus.

The minister took to twitter on Thursday to clarify about the excluded topics and wrote that a lot of uninformed comments are being made.

CBSE has reduced the syllabus for 2020 by 30 per cent for class XI to XII students.

CBSE REDUCES SYLLABUSDebate over syllabus reductionRamesh Pokhriyal Nishank