New Delhi: The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection Regional Rural Banks (IBPS RRB) has issued notifications for recruitment to various posts. There are vacancies for the posts of Officer Scale I, Scale II and Scale III, as well as various office assistants.
Application process for IBPS RRB Probationary Officer (PO)/Clerk posts began on July 1 and will be open till July 21.
Start of Online Application: July 1, 2020
Last Date of Online application: July 21, 2020
Release of Admit Card: From August 12, 2020, for exams for different posts
SELECTION PROCEDURE: The IBPS RRB recruitment takes place in two phases followed by an interview.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale I: Prelims, Mains and Interview.
IBPS RRB Officer Scale II & III: Single exam
IBPS RRB Office Assistant: Prelims, Mains and Interview
For IBPS RRB Officer Scale I/II/III
SC/ST/PwD: Rs 175
Gen/OBC/EWS: Rs 850
For Office Assistant (multipurpose) Post
SC/ST/PwD/ExS: Rs 175
Gen/OBC/EWS: Rs 850