IIT-Delhi Launches “BUDDHI” DIY Kit For School Students

BUDDHI can be used to quickly learn the basics of AI and build AI-based solutions for real-world problems without any prior domain knowledge or training.

CYRAN, a deep technology start-up incubated at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, has introduced “BUDDHI”, a do-it-yourself (DIY) kit to familiarise school students with artificial intelligence (AI) in a simplified way. The toolkit, prepared by CYRAN AI Solutions, was launched by IIT-Delhi Director V Ramagopal on Monday.

While BUDDHI, a Hindi word that translates to “Brain” in English, the startup’s nomenclature defines BUDDHI as “Build, Understand, Design, Deploy Human-like Intelligence”

The DIY educational kit that can be used to quickly learn the basics of AI and build AI-based solutions for real-world problems without any prior domain knowledge or training.

The kit comes with AI training applications and real-world AI actuation circuit boards powered by AI computing-engines. In addition, the DIY kit also comes with an AI handbook, practical DIY projects, lessons, exercises, presentations and videos.

The BUDDHI kit is the brainchild of Prof Manan Suri of IIT Delhi, who was recognised by MIT, USA as one of the world’s top 35 innovators under the age of 35. The kit comprises specialised proprietary hardware-software designed and developed completely in India.

The institute states that the toolkit is compatible with CBSE’s AI curriculum. The CBSE had introduced an AI-inspired module of 12 hours for class 8 students.

As part of the first launch phase, the AI DIY kits, along with its accompanying content will be provided to schools , makers-spaces, tinkering-labs, education related NGOs, government bodies, corporations, as well as entities involved with AI-education and skilling.

IIT Delhi