IIT-Ropar Develops Device To Detect COVID-19 Patients Instantly

IIT-Ropar Develops Device To Detect COVID-19 Patients Instantly

New Delhi: The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Ropar has developed a prototype, which can detect a person infected with COVID-19 instantly.

According to a press release, this device monitors the infrared radiations emitting from a human face and can detect COVID-19 patients automatically without human intervention.

The device is expected to replace the hand-held thermal imaging devices, which are being used widely.

Speaking about the prototype, IIT Ropar said, “The device will take an infrared image of the face of every person and show the image within two seconds, giving the information saying Infected, Suspected, or Healthy. The information can be connected to the central desktop wirelessly and can help the authorities to detect the infected persons.”

“This infrared vision system measures a wide range of temperatures with a pixel resolution of 160 X 120 and sensitivity of 70 mK. Further, the thermograms captured during the screening process are exported to the processing unit wirelessly and the decision is displayed almost in no time,” it added.

However, the prototype is still awaiting a clinical trial. It can be used for testing people only after being approved by  medical authorities.
