JNU Admission Process Likely To Begin By April-End: VC Jagadesh Kumar

JNU Admission Process Likely To Begin By April-End: VC Jagadesh Kumar

New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) vice-chancellor M Jagadesh Kumar said the university will continue the ongoing semester in online mode and the admission process may begin by the April end.

Kumar and other JNU officials addressed the students via Facebook Live on the state of affairs on the campus in view of rising COVID-19 cases.

The vice-chancellor said the varsity will take a call for offline classes in the next academic session after reviewing the pandemic situation.

“The university has made every effort to make sure that the teaching-learning process goes on and we are glad to tell you that all our courses are now running through the digital platform. The entire semester will go on only in the online mode. We will review the situation and see if it will be possible to conduct the next academic session in the physical mode,” vice-chancellor Jagadesh Kumar was quoted as saying by news agency PTI.

Reacting to a query, director of admissions, Jayant Tripathi said the department has already finalised the prospectus and seat requirements from different schools and centres. “The prospectus will also be made available by then. Most probably, the examination will be held in the first week of July, depending on the situation in the country,” said Tripathi.

“We are planning to complete the admission process by September, less than a month late unlike the last year. With the help of the staff who have been working long hours, without taking holidays or weekly offs, we will manage to finish the admission process in time for a regular session in the next year,” noted the director of admissions.

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AdmissionsApril endJNU