Looking To Get Your Kid Enrolled Into Online Abacus Course? Here Are 5 Platforms To Choose From

Looking To Get Your Kid Enrolled Into Online Abacus Course? Here Are 5 Platforms To Choose From

Abacus, considered to be one of the best tools to develop arithmetic skills and numerical flow, has existed since centuries. It has been popular in India as well, for several years.

Parents in urban areas have shown great interest in getting their wards admitted to private abacus classes so that they can pick up addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in the mind, and take a liking towards numbers and mathematics.

With schools and all educational institutions closed since March 2020 because of the COVID-19 pandemic, parents have been keen to get children enrolled into different online classes and courses, outside their curriculum, to help them stay engaged and enhance skills.

No wonder that the demand for online abacus platforms, too, has gone up over the last few months.

For those parents and kids who are interested in online abacus, here are five platforms in India to explore, as compiled by India Today:

* British Youth International College

UK-based platform BYITC has a fully functional virtual abacus and uses interactive instructor-led teaching methodology for overall mental development of children. Like offline classes, the online classes also provide a step-by-step approach to help students visualize the abacus in mind and calculate sums faster than a calculator. Teachers offer in-depth tutoring and feedback to each student. They cover addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, decimal addition, decimal subtraction, decimal multiplication and decimal division. They are the only abacus company to provide decimal based calculation.

* Udemy

Udemy’s abacus course aims to develop the brain by helping one improve calculations, abilities, number sense and mental arithmetic. The course uses thorough multimedia and animations to teach how to do correct and quick basic maths operations through abacus. Anyone taking these online lessons will be able to place numbers on the abacus, solve simple arithmetic problems.

* Abacus Supermaths

‘Supermaths’ is a friendly and interactive platform for students willing to learn abacus. Their method allows one to put mental theory concepts to practice by working on online worksheets. This course comes in two categories – for Juniors and Seniors. The first track contains 11 levels while the senior track has 8 levels. At the end of each level, an online exam is conducted. Those who qualify are promoted to the next level. They teach through instructor led-application based video classes.

* Abacus Master

This is a comprehensive learning platform with unique features to make abacus more interesting and enjoyable. It provides abacus training to students between 5 and 12 years, and comprises eight levels that cover all topics from basic to advanced calculations. There is no fixed time limit, students can take this course at their own pace. The portal suggests at least two months should be spent at each level for students to be fully confident. Classes are conducted with the help of animations, Anzan videos and practice worksheets.

* Smart Kid Abacus

‘Abacus Franchise’ of Smart Kid conducts online classes for kids, once a week for 45 minutes. There is flexibility in timings & students can choose from multiple varieties of courses.

This is an eight-level course with 5 basic and 3 advance levels. Courses are designed for students in the age group of 4 to 14 years and promote overall brain development by stimulating both sides of the brain along with enhancement of skills.

abacusAbacus MasterAbacus Supermathsarithmetic skillsBritish Youth International CollegeNumerical flowSmart Kid AbacusUdemy