Maharashtra: Schools Disappointed With Education Department’s SOPs On Reopening

Maharashtra: Schools Disappointed With Education Department’s SOPs On Reopening

Mumbai: Maharashtra education department’s SOPs released on Tuesday for reopening of schools have failed to impress the schools all over the state.

According to the principals, the department has put the entire onus of the safety of students on schools. “We know the safety of students is important. But the way in which SOPs are framed, it seems as if the entire responsibility of ensuring their safety is on schools. While a lot of precautions are suggested for schools, there is no clarity on where the necessary financial assistance will come from,” a spokesperson of the Mumbai Principals’ Association, Prashant Redij, was quoted as saying by Hindustan Times.

As per the revised guidelines issued, mandatory COVID-19 tests for staff, one student per bench in a class and avoiding extracurricular activities like sports, gatherings are mandatory. Schools have also been asked to ensure physical distancing, routine temperature checks and classroom sanitisation.

“Especially for night school teachers, whose salaries are really low, undergoing a test and spending from their pocket will be tough. We request the government to make testing free for teachers and school staff,” night school representative in Shikshak Parishad, Niranjan Giri was quoted by the paper.

The state education department recently announced that schools will reopen for Classes IX to XII from November 23. “We are trying to prepare for the reopening. We just hope that schools, parents and the government works together to ensure the safety of students,” the principal of a suburban school said.

DisappointMaharashtrareopening schoolsSchoolsSOPs