Matric Supplementary, OSOS Papers Evaluation In Odisha From October 5

Matric Supplementary, OSOS Papers Evaluation In Odisha From October 5

Cuttack: The evaluation of the Matric Supplementary and the Second Odisha State Open School (OSOS) Certificate papers will begin on October 5.

In a notification, the Board of Secondary Education (BSE) said that 3531 teachers have been appointed for the evaluation.

The evaluation of the Matric Supplementary papers will begin at 12 centres. The Board has uploaded the appointment letters of the teachers for the evaluation on its official website The selected teachers will be handed over the appointment letters by the headmasters of the concerned schools who will relieve them for the evaluation duty.

The selected teachers will report at their respective centres at 10 am on October 4 while the evaluation will begin on October 5.

Besides this, the Board said that the evaluation of the OSOS Certificate papers will also begin on October 5 at seven centres.

The results will be announced tentatively by the last week of October, the Board said.

evaluationmatric SupplementaryOct 5OSOS Papers In Odisha