MIT Praise For 9-Year-Old Indian Student; Know Why

New Delhi: The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, has praised a nine-year-old Indian boy for developing a medical mobile application. Pranet Pahwa of Shiv Nadar School, Noida has created an application named XDOC+.

Created by the Pranet, a class V student, the app helps users search for doctors or specialists for their medical needs, and allows them to book an appointment by clicking on their profiles, reported ABP Education.

The mobile application also yields information about various diseases and connects super-speciality doctors directly with patients.

According to Shiv Nadar School, the app’s relevance has increased manifold in the post-pandemic era. Unable to physically visit, it allows patients to contact doctors via video conferencing, calls and messages.

9-Year-OldIndian StudentMITmobile appXDOC+