Mumbai Teacher Pens Nursery Rhyme To Spread Corona Awareness Among Slum Children

New Delhi: A teacher in Maharashtra’s Aurangabad city has penned a nursery rhyme to spread awareness about the deadly coronavirus among slum children.

The nursery rhyme is in Marathi and teaches children to wash their hands for 20-seconds to keep themselves free from the infection.

State Sports Commissioner Om Prakash Bakoriya posted the video on Twitter, in which Sunita Nagkirti is seen teaching the slum children the technique of washing hands for 20-seconds using a nursery rhyme.

“At least 30 people had tested positive in the hotspot areas of Kailas Nagar and Rohidas Nagar when I was sent there 10 days ago. Children were worried when they saw bottles of sanitisers and handwash liquids. But I used some popular Marathi nursery rhymes and created a fun handwash song,” said Nagkirti.

Sunita Nagkirti is associated with the state’s scout and guide programme at Ravindra School here. She travels to slums to create awareness about the pandemic.

awarenesscovid-19Mumbai teachernursery rhymesslum kids