Mumbai University To Conduct ‘Paperless Exams’

Mumbai University To Conduct ‘Paperless Exams’

Mumbai University, for the upcoming exams, is set to introduce specially designed tablets for students to write exams. “We plan to experiment first with one autonomous university department. The screen of the tablet is specially designed for helping students write exams using a stylus. Many private universities have started it and we wish to explore how successful and cost effective it is,” said Vice Chancellor Dr Suhas Pednekar. The department for the experiment is yet to be selected.

The University of Mumbai has been exploring the idea of introducing “paperless examination” and making end-to-end use of technology for administrative processes, reports the Indian Express.

Mumbai University’s Academic Audit to be conducted online

Mumbai University has become the first in Maharashtra whose academic audit will be conducted online, the software for which has been developed by the university’s IT department. Governor B S Koshyari has suggested other universities use Mumbai University’s software for the same.

 “The software can act as a one-point solution for availing information from colleges. Colleges are usually required to send data to the university for a number of reasons, including All India Survey on Higher Education, management information system and Rashtriya Ucchatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA), among others. Part information received from colleges will also be available on public portals to help students and parents during the selection process of their preferred colleges,” added Dr Pednekar.

The university aims to minimize the number of days required for declaration of results and conduct re-evaluation of marksheets at the earliest. Meanwhile, a majority of the results this academic year were declared within 45 days. The university has conducted more than five video conferences with the paper setters.


Mumbai University