NLU Postpones AILET 2021; Check Official Notice Here

NLU Postpones AILET 2021; Check Official Notice Here

New Delhi: The National Law University (NLU) Delhi has postponed the All India Law Entrance Test 2021 (AILET 2021) to June 2021. The exam will now be held on June 20 (10 am to 11:30 am). The AILET 2021 was scheduled to held on May 2.

The NLU will issue the admission notice in the third week of January, and candidates are allowed to apply online on or after the application forms are uploaded.

AILET is conducted annually by the NLU Delhi for admission to the five-year BA LLB (Hons.), LLM and PhD courses.

Check official notice

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AILET 2021June 20NLUPostponed