NLUO & UNICEF Invites Write-Ups On Child Rights; Details Here

Last date of submission is Nov 2

The Centre for Child Rights (CCR), the specialised research centre of the National Law University of Odisha, Cuttack, has invited write-ups in the form of articles, case comments, legislative comments and book reviews for the 5th Volume of “Journal on Rights of the Child”. The Journal is supported by UNICEF and would be published by Eastern Book Company (EBC).

The Centre was established in the year 2015 with a mission to improve access to justice for children and promote research, advanced learning and advocacy to strengthen child rights laws, policies and practices in India.

CCR National Law University, Odisha, brings out its annual flagship publication in the form of Journal on Rights of the Child.

This year, the Editorial Board of the journal has decided to invite contributions on the theme of “Law, Policy and Practice of Child Rights in India”.

Original and unpublished writings by teachers, students, lawyers, professionals etc. are welcome and can be submitted at, said an advertisement.

Journal on the Rights of the Child aims to encourage interdisciplinary discourse on the above-mentioned theme. Therefore articles from disciplines other than law are also welcome.

The last date for submission is November 02, 2019. 

All articles, book reviews and case comments should be original and not published elsewhere. An abstract of 150-300 words and undertaking/cover letter addressed to Editor-in-Chief should also be submitted along with the undertaking regarding originality and fact that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere. Undertaking/cover letter must be signed by the author/s and scanned copy must be sent on mail.

For queries regarding particulars like word-limit and submission guidelines, interested writers/candidates can contact:
• Allena Jai –
• Kavya Awasthi –
• Preesita Saloni –
• Shivendra Pandey –

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