Now, Class X & XII CBSE Students Can Download Documents Using ‘Facial Recognition System’

Now, Class X & XII CBSE Students Can Download Documents Using ‘Facial Recognition System’

New Delhi: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has launched the ‘Facial Recognition System’ to help class X and XII students download documents without any fuss.

According to an India Today report, class X and XII students who don’t have an Adhaar Card and mobile phone number, can use this app for downloading important documents.

“It can be contemplated that the latest facility of Face Matching will immensely help foreign students and those who are unable to open Digi locker account for any reason such as Adhaar Card or wrong mobile numbers,” the CBSE said in a statement.

The statement further explained the functioning of the app. “This computer application matches a human face from a digital image already stored in the database. The computer and the human interact to map facial features.”

Thus, a live image of the student will be matched with his/her photograph on their admit card that is already stored in the repository. Once successful, the certificate will be emailed to the student.

This app is now available on ‘Parniaam Manjusha’ and Digi Locker at for all 2020 records.

Aadhar CardApplicationCBSEclass XClass XIIFace Recognition SystemStudents