NTA Releases NEET 2020 OMR Sheets; Know Details Here

New Delhi: The National Testing Agency (NTA) has put out the Optical Mark Recognition (OMR) sheets of National Eligibility cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2020 on the official website.

The enrolled candidates can visit the site www.ntaneet.ac.in to match the answers from the OMR sheets with the answer keys provided for all the subjects on the website.

If candidates have any issues they can challenge or raise objections against the OMR sheets till 6 pm on October 7.

Candidates have to pay Rs 1000 for each question that will be challenged. They can pay the fee till 8 pm on October 7 through debit, credit card, or net banking.

However, NTA has already mentioned that only those challenges sent through proper procedures will be entertained not via post or e-mail.

NEET 2020NTAOMR Sheets