Odisha College Teachers Might Face Action Over Learning Outcome In Classroom

Odisha College Teachers Might Face Action Over Learning Outcome In Classroom

Bhubaneswar: Concerned over the quality of learning outcome in the undergraduate streams, the Odisha Government has decided to strengthen the faculty performance appraisal system.

Vice-chairman of State Higher Education Council Ashok Das said that while the performance assessment format is already in place, it was not quantified. The latest move could bring accountability in the system.

The State government will keep a close watch on the appraisal and could initiate action if it deems fit, media reports said, adding that the move will cover both government and non-government colleges. The measures constitute the overall objective of the state government to bring about the much-needed reforms in the higher education sector in Odisha.

As already announced earlier, faculty members of 3000 colleges will also undergo training under the Odisha Higher Education programme for ‘excellence and equity’ as part of a World Bank project.

The programme will seek to help the teachers have a better understanding of the learning tool, the pedagogies and the teaching style. More than 10,000 teachers from both government and private colleges would be provided training in a phased manner.

While reports suggested that action could be taken against teachers who conduct tuitions, Das said offering tuition should be a free service and no remuneration should be involved in delivering such service.
