Odisha Higher Education Dept Clears Major Exam Reforms; Details Here

Odisha Higher Education Dept Clears Major Exam Reforms; Details Here

Bhubaneswar: As part of its ongoing examination reforms process, the Odisha Higher Education Department has decided that students will be issued one admit card for all semester examinations.

Besides, a student who has not appeared in one of the semester examinations will be treated as fail even if he/she has cleared the final university-level examination, sources said.

Other key takeaways:

  1. The university registrar and controller of examinations have been communicated to declare the results of the under graduate and post graduate examinations by May next year.

Examinations will be held under the revised question pattern for all streams. 

  • The paper could comprise very-short, short, medium-range and long questions.
  • Vice chairman of Odisha Higher Education Council Ashok Das had earlier said that the objective was to ensure that every child is well prepared and cannot afford to leave anything in the curriculum.

2. The examination fee will be collected only at the time of admission.

3. CCTV cameras will be installed at the examination centres during the conduct of the under graduate and post graduate examinations will practical tests. The evaluation centres will also have CCTV cameras.


Exam Reforms