Odisha To Conduct UG & PG Final-Year/Semester Exams Online; Check Details

Odisha To Conduct UG & PG Final-Year/Semester Exams Online; Check Details

Bhubaneswar: The Odisha Higher Education department has formally decided to hold all final year/semester exams in online mode in view of the COVID-19 crisis in the state and beyond.

The department arrived at the decision after three meetings between the Higher Education Minister, the Education Department of Odisha, and the Vice-Chancellors of all state public universities and college principals.

The decisions that were taken:

  1. Final Year/ final semester examinations will be held in online mode in July-August for the 2020-21 UG and PG students. The result will be published in August/September.
  2. All Back Paper examinations will be held in online mode by the end of July/August for these students as well as already passed out students.
  3. The date of examination will be decided by the concerned Universities/Autonomous Colleges.
  4. Students can appear for the said online examination from their home or any place suitable to them. They can also appear for the said online examination from any nearby Degree College as per their convenience.
  5. The process/modalities of online examination will be intimated to the students by the concerned Universities/Autonomous Colleges.
  6. Interactive doubt clearing classes will be conducted in online mode till mid-July to end of July.
  7. To ensure smooth conduct of the online examination, university and college teachers shall be assigned mentoring duty for a group of students.
  8. All these above-mentioned decisions are meant only for 2020-21 Final Year/Final Semester students.
  9. The decision regarding examination for the students of all other Years/ Semesters shall be decided later
  10. .

ALSO READ: Mentoring System For Hassle-Free UG & PG Online Exams Commences In Odisha

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