Online Classes: Here 55% Students Report Health Issues

Online Classes: Here 55% Students Report Health Issues

Lucknow: Almost 55 per cent students in Classes IV to XII have reported several health issues in Uttar Pradesh, thanks to prolonged online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stress, severe eyesight problems and insomnia are the main health issues that have been reported.

‘The Impact of Online Teaching during the Pandemic on Learning and Well-being’ — a study conducted by students of Lucknow-based Spring Dale College (SDC) chain of schools found out the issues among students.

The study was on the basis of a survey, that included group discussion. There were 4,454 respondents that included 3,300 students, 1,000 parents and 154 teachers from various schools.

The study queried the respondents about the problems and benefits of online classes.

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Amid COVID-19EducationOnline Classes Health Issues