Online Education Proves Disaster For Students With Disability; DropOut Rate Increases In Odisha

Online Education Proves Disaster For Students With Disability; DropOut Rate Increases In Odisha

Odisha: Due to the coronavirus pandemic, educational institutions have turned to online education which has become a nightmare for students-with-disability (SwD).

According to a independent survey conducted by voluntary organisations, Swabhiman and Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR), SwDs in Odisha and other states are at a greater risk of dropping out of schools due to the digitalisation of schools.

According to a report published in The Indian Express, the survey claims that only 56.5 per cent students were attending classes, however, irregularly. Moreover, 77 per cent of the students faced difficulty in adapting to the new methods of teaching and anticipated failure for being unable to access distance learning.

Digital divide has been a problem for the students too, as 64 per cent of them did not have access to smartphones or computers at home.

The survey highlights the problems faced by not only the students, but their parents and families too. Almost 90 per cent parents felt teachers haven’t been paying enough attention to their children while teaching online.

In addition, while 61 per cent could not afford to buy a new smartphone, 87.4 per cent faced connection issues.

Shruti  Mohapatra, founder, Swabhiman said that children with disabilities cannot be clubbed as one group as they are persons with disabilities and therefore, different needs, as quoted by The Indian Express.

children with disabilitiesCOVID-19 pandemicOdishaStudents with disabilities