OUAT To Hold Its 38th Convocation On Dec 21

The recipients of Gold Medal/Prizes and the PhD degree holders are also required to attend a rehearsal on 20.12.19 in the Dr MS Swaminathan Hall of the University Building.
OUAT To Hold Its 38th Convocation On Dec 21

Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology is going to hold is 38th Convocation on December 21, 2019 in Dr M S Swaminathan Hall of the University Building, OUAT Bhubaneswar.

On the occasion, PhD for the year 2018 and 2019 and Degrees of PG and UG courses completed in 2018, will be conferred and awarded to the successful candidates. According to the official notification, the candidates who are recipients of PhD Degrees/Gold Medal/Prizes are required to apply in a prescribed form, available on the OUAT website, through the concerned Deans/Directors with advance copy to the Assistant Registrar OUAT by email (ouatacademic62@gmail.com), along with the demand draft for Rs1550/-, drawn in favour of the Cromptroller, OUAT Bhubaneswar, on or before 17.12.19. towards fees of Degree Certificate and Academic robes.

The recipients of Gold Medal/Prizes and the PhD degree holders are also required to attend a rehearsal on 20.12.19 in the Dr MS Swaminathan Hall.

For further information, candidates are to visit the OUAT website www.ouat.nic.in