PM To Address Conclave On ‘Transformational Reforms’ Under NEP On Friday

PM To Address Conclave On ‘Transformational Reforms’ Under NEP On Friday

New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will deliver the inaugural address at the conclave on Transformational Reforms in Higher Education under National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 on August 7.

The conclave, to be organised through video conference, will have sessions dedicated to significant aspects of education covered under NEP 2020. These include holistic, multi-disciplinary and futuristic education, quality research and equitable use of technology for better reach in education.

Union Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal and Union Minister of State, Education, Sanjay Dhotre will also participate in the event.

The Chairman and members, Committee for Draft NEP, as well as eminent academicians/scientists will speak on different aspects of the new policy.

Other stakeholders like vice-chancellors of universities, directors of institutions and college principals will be part of the conclave.

2020Conclave on Transformational Reforms in Higher Education under National Education PolicyEducationNational Education PolicyPrime Minister Narendra ModiSanjay DhotreUnion Education Minister  Ramesh PokhriyalUnion Minister of StateVice-Chancellors of universities