SAIL Recruitment 2021: Vacancies For Doctors At Rourkela Steel Plant

SAIL Recruitment 2021: Vacancies For Doctors At Rourkela Steel Plant

Rourkela: Rourkela Steel Plant (RSP), operated by the Steel Authority of India (SAIL), has invited applications from doctors in various disciplines for the posts of Super Specialists, Specialists and GDMO on a contractual basis at the Ispat General Hospital here.

The contractual engagement will be for one year, extendable by another one year. However, the maximum period for engagement under the same contract will not be more than three years.

A total of 16 vacancies have been notified. The last date to apply is July 12, 2021.

SAIL Recruitment 2021 – Post details:

Super Specialist: 01 (Burn & Plastic Surgery)

Specialists: 8 (Medicine–2, Pulmonary Medicine–2, Dermatology–1, Anaesthesia–1, Radiology–1, Nuclear Medicine–1)


Upper Age Limit: 69 years as on June 26, 2021.

SAIL Recruitment 2021 – Salary details:

Super Specialist – Rs. 2,00,000 per month

Specialist  – Rs. 1,20,000 per month

MBBS – Rs. 90,000 per month

GDMO – Rs. 70,000 per month

SAIL Recruitment 2021 – How to apply:

Eligible and interested candidates should send a scanned copy of the filled-in application form along with required documents and mail it to:

Method of selection:

Candidates will be selected on the basis of an online interview. The date and time of the interview will be intimated to the eligible candidates through email or will be published on the SAIL website at


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Govt JobsRourkelarourkela steel plantRSPSAILSAIL recruitmentSAIL Recruitment 2021steel authoritysteel plant jobs