Savitribai Phule Pune University To Conduct Final Year Exams Via Proctored Mode

Pune: Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) is most likely to implement a proctored examination model for conducting final year exams, reported Sakal Times.

The university had recently concluded the entrance examination via similar mode, attended by 1300 students.

The Supreme Court on Friday said that universities and colleges cannot promote students without conducting the final year examination as per UGC guidelines.

Welcoming the Supreme Court decision, Dr Nitin Karmalkar, vice-chancellor of SPPU said, “Pune University has already decided what the formula of the examination should be. There is no need to make a separate resolution for it now. It will be decided only what medium should be used for conducting the examination. We have lost about 4 to 5 months and now taking into consideration the mentality of the students. We will give them one and half months more to study for exams.”

The university has already made preparations according to UGC instructions last month regarding the conduct of final year examinations. Around 31,000 applications have been received for the final postgraduate exams so far.

A proctored exam is one in which a supervisor monitors students during the examination.

Exams Amid Coronavirusfinal year examsProctored examSavitribai Phule Pune UniversitySPPU Final year exams