SBI PO Exam Admit Card To Be Released Soon; Check Details Here

SBI PO Exam Admit Card To Be Released Soon; Check Details Here

New Delhi: The admit card for State Bank of India (SBI) PO exam, to be conducted on December 31, 2020, and January 2, 3, 4, 5, is set to be released soon, reported India Today.

This recruitment drive aims to fill up 2000 vacancies. The SBI PO Exam will be held online, with 100 questions of 100 marks, and each paper (English, Numerical and Reasoning Ability Tests) will be of 20-minute duration.

Qualified candidates in SBI PO Prelims 2020 will be called for the mains which will be held in objective and descriptive type, and upon qualification in mains, they will be called for 50 marks interview round.

Based on candidates’ performance in all papers, the final merit list will be prepared after aggregating converted marks of Phase II and III, and selection will be made from each category’s top-ranked candidates.

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Admit Cardreleasing soonSBISBI PO exam