Schools Reopen For Classes X & XII In Odisha With COVID-19 Protocols

Schools Reopen For Classes X & XII In Odisha With COVID-19 Protocols

Bhubaneswar: After being closed for almost nine months, schools for Classes X and XII students reopened across the state on Friday adhering to the COVID-19 guidelines.

Wearing masks, hand washing, maintaining physical distance and screening before entering the school premises or classroom are mandatory for students and teachers.

“All proper arrangements have been put in place. Wearing of masks and use of sanitizer are mandatory for both students and teachers. The seating arrangement of students have been made accordingly to ensure social distancing,” a government official said.

According to School & Mass Education Minister, Samir Ranjan Dash, classroom teaching will continue for 100 days including Saturdays and Sundays. The classes will be conducted till April 28.

Classrooms will not have more than 20-25 students and no further cut in the syllabus would be allowed as it has already been reduced in view of COVID-19 induced lockdown.

ALSO READ: Odisha Schools Ready To Welcome Back Students Tomorrow

class XClass XIIOdishareopenSchools