Scientist At National Institute For Research In Reproductive Health Conferred SERB Women Excellence Award 2021

New Delhi: The Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB) conferred the Women Excellence Award for 2021 to Dr. Antara Banerjee, a scientist in Structural Biology Division of the National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health, Indian Council of Medical Research, Mumbai. Dr. Banerjee has contributed towards understanding the endocrinology in female reproduction that could be useful for assisted reproductive technologies, NDTV reported.

Dr Banerjee and her group have initiated studies on understanding puberty. “Mutations in the neuropeptide hormone kisspeptin-1 or its receptor which can cause precocious (early) puberty will be studied in a collaborative work with a team consisting of basic scientists, pediatricians, as well as geneticists,” Dr. Banerjee was quoted as saying.

SERB Award