Upcoming Academic Session: Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal To Meet Vice-Chancellors of Central Universities

Upcoming Academic Session: Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal To Meet Vice-Chancellors of Central Universities

New Delhi: Union Education minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank will meet Vice-Chancellors of central universities soon via video conference to discuss upcoming academic sessions, reported News18 Education and Career Desk.

With the alarming second wave of COVID-19 pandemic wreaking havoc in the country for nearly two months, admission process for the next academic cycle has been delayed. There’s no clarity either on when the process could begin, putting worried students and parents in a fix.

The postponement of Class 12 Board exams has delayed competitive entrance examsc like JEE Main, NEET and CLAT.

A high-level meeting, called by the Education Minister and chaired by Defence Minister Rajnath Singh four days ago, discussed broad guidelines for Class 12 Board exams, but no decision was reached.

All stakeholders were present in that meeting, but there was no consensus among states.

In the upcoming meeting, Pokhriyal is expected to shed light on the admission process and crucial entrance tests.

The minister is also likely to discuss examinations for higher education institutes, implementation of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 in the context of current COVID-19 situation in the country.

Academic cyclecovid-19education ministerNEP 2020pandemicRamesh PokhriyalSecond Wavevice chancellors