Anna University To Hold End-Semester Exams Online For Final Year Students

Anna University To Hold End-Semester Exams Online For Final Year Students

Chennai: Anna University has announced that it will be conducting the end semester exams for final year students via online mode by the end of this month, as reported by The Times of India.

Anna University is the first state university that has decided to conduct online exams amid the coronavirus pandemic. To curb the digital divide and internet connectivity issues of some students, the university is open to conducting offline exams for them later on.

The one-hour proctoring tests will be conducted separately for each subject and would have multiple-choice questions. The candidates will be monitored by artificial intelligence tools which would record their physical movement, computer screen usage and audio to prevent malpractice.

The university has also invited tender bids for conducting the test, estimated to cost Rs 1.9 crore. “We decided to conduct the online exam to protect the future of students. It will make their degree credible and facilitate their early onboarding and higher studies,” said vice-chancellor, MK Surappa, as quoted by The TOI.

Adding further, he mentioned that 30 per cent weightage will be given to online test while rest 70 per cent to internal assessment and project works.

More than 20,000 engineering students with job offers are eagerly awaiting their final exams to get validation for their degree and join their jobs. Moreover, autonomous colleges are also thinking of conducting online exams after Anna University’s move.

Anna Universityonline exams