APPSC Allows Group I Main Candidates To Change Options In Application Forms

The facility to exercise options for medium of writing, post preferences, zonal preferences, examination centre, etc will be available on the official website from March 26 to April 2
APPSC Allows Group I Main Candidates To Change Options In Application Forms

HYDERABAD: The Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission (APPSC) has decided to give the candidates one more opportunity to exercise their options for medium of writing in the Group I Mains examination, post preferences, zonal preferences, examination centre etc.

The decision has been taken following requests by the provisionally qualified candidates of Group-I Mains written (conventional type) examination for change of the examination centre, preferences etc., the APPSC said in a notification.

In a statement, APPSC Secretary I. Narasimha Murthy said the facility to exercise the options in the online application would be available on the APPSC website,, from March 26 to April 2.

He said candidates keen to making changes in their options, and those who have not exercise the options earlier, can do so on or before April 2.

The candidates should login with their credentials and register their preferences, failing which the candidature for the examination will be decided by the APPSC as per the available data at its discretion, he said.

To see the detailed notification, click here.

Written exam for lecturer posts

Meanwhile, the APPSC has announced that the written examinations (Computer-Based Tests – Objective Type) for the posts of lecturer in Government Polytechnic Colleges (Engineering and Non-Engineering) in Andhra Pradesh Technical Education Service, junior lecturer in Government Junior Colleges in Andhra Pradesh Intermediate Education Service, lecturer in Government Degree Colleges in Andhra Pradesh Collegiate Education Service, and lecturer in TTD Degree Colleges / TTD Oriental Colleges, and junior lecturer in TTD Junior Colleges will be conducted from June 16 to 26, 2025 (except on June 20, 21 and 22).

The detailed day-wise schedule of the examinations will be announced in due course of time, it said.

To see the detailed notification, click here.

APPSCAPPSC Group 1APPSC Group 1 Main Exam
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