Civil Services 2019: UPSC Starts Conducting Personality Tests Of Remaining Candidates

Civil Services 2019: UPSC Starts Conducting Personality Tests Of Remaining Candidates

New Delhi: The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced that it will be conducting personality tests (PT) or interviews of remaining 623 candidates for the Civil Services Examination, 2019 batch (CSE 2019) from July 20 to 30.

All the candidates have been informed well in advance.

The process of PTs/interviews of 2,304 candidates had started, but had to be stopped due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent nationwide lockdown in the last week of March.

The commission is bearing travel expenses, providing lodging facility and taking adequate care of their health and safety, the Press Information Bureau (PIB) has stated. It has also requested state governments to allow candidates with e-summon letter for PT to move in/out of containment/restricted zones. 

The commission has provided protective gears for the interviewer as well as interviewee and ensured a contactless process.

Civil services examination 2019covid-19interviewpersonality testUPSC