ICAI CA May 2021 Exam: Plea Filed In Supreme Court For Opt Out Option, Extra Attempt

ICAI CA May 2021 Exam: Plea Filed In Supreme Court For Opt Out Option, Extra Attempt

New Delhi: A petition challenging the June 5 notification of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) regarding the CA exams has been filed in the Supreme Court.

The plea has asked for the apex court’s direction to the ICAI to draft in an opt-out facility for the CA May exams, which will allow students to carry forward their candidature to the next session of the CA exams.

The petition has also prayed for an additional attempt to Intermediate and Final students taking the exam under the old syllabus.

On June 5, the ICAI had said that CA foundation exams will commence on July 24 and Inter exams will be held from July 6 to 20. CA Final exams are slated to be held between July 5 and 19.

ALSO READ: CA Foundation Exams Postponed; ICAI Announces Inter, Final Schedules

CA May Exam 2021ICAISupreme Court