No Class X Exams: CBSE Schools Opt For Alternative Ways To Allot Subjects To Class XI Students

No Class X Exams: CBSE Schools Opt For Alternative Ways To Allot Subjects To Class XI Students

New Delhi: The Central Board of School Education (CBSE) affiliated schools are making alternative ways of allotting different streams to students as they are being promoted to Class XI without giving the Class X exams.

Vandana Murjani, career counsellor at Emerald Heights International School, Indore, Madhya Pradesh stated that a psychometric test had already been conducted in advance and a total of 75% of the students are clear about what stream they are going to choose. The rest 25% are being sorted through one-on-one zoom meetings to help them with their stream of choice.

Know your aptitude (KYA) tests have been recommended by CBSE over digital platforms to allot streams to all the new admissions taking place at various schools. One of the schools leading this campaign is ‘Daly School’, which is offering subjects to all new students as per their own choice.

Principal, Daly School, Neeraj Kumar Bhedotiya, told Times of India, “Only when we feel that they won’t be able to cope up with the stream, we counsel them and make them understand. However, the subjects are still given according to the choice of the students.”

On the other hand, some private schools are taking the alternate way out by deciding which streams a student could opt for, on the basis of the Pre-Boards or internal assessments. Schools such as Queens College, Delhi Public School, Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar, Digamber Public School; make the list of schools that are alloting subjects on the basis of the Pre-Board exams although such scores get updated after the results of the Board exams come out.

To help analyse the students’ choice  and to provide them with the stream, one-on-one counselling of students as well as their parents is being done. Google forms are being sent to know the major choice of subjects for each student and the allotment is done via telephonic conversation or video conferencing.

Affiliated schoolsalterantiveCBSE 2020new methodsstream allotment